DioxiCare News

Your Toothbrush Might Be One of The Dirtiest Items in Your Bathroom

Your Toothbrush Might Be One of The Dirtiest Items in Your Bathroom

Spring Cleaning Tips from DioxiCare

Did you know that your toothbrush can be a haven for thousands of germs? But, not to worry, it’s a problem easily solved with the power of Chlorine Dioxide. Just a quick dunk in DioxiRinse Mouthwash, containing DioxiCare – the Active Chlorine Dioxide System, can make a big difference

DioxiRinse Mouthwash

New Packaging Complements the Power of DioxiRinse Chlorine Dioxide Mouthwash

Frontier Pharmaceutical is proud to announce new improved packaging for DioxiRinse Mouthwash. We say job well done to our graphic designer, Mike Fitzpatrick, who created such a beautiful package to...
Bad breath

Best Way to Measure Mouth Odor

Compare the second column to the first. After rinsing with DioxiRinse there is no detectable odor; gas concentrations are reduced to less than 100 parts per billion from over 600 parts...

How to Mix DioxiRinse

  Instructions for Mixing 32oz Size Dispense three* FULL pumps of Part A into a cup. Dispense three* FULL pumps of Part B into the same cup Let sit for...

DioxiRinse is your Braces Best Friend

Orthodontic patients, both adults and children, face dental hygiene challenges.  Food trapped in braces provides a breeding ground for bacteria, often leading to gingivitis and bad breath. Plaque, a sticky...

DioxiRinse Improves Your Social Life (Along with Oral Health)

Do people avoid you? It might be your breath, not your personality. Gargling with DioxiRinse Mouthwash is the best way to eliminate mouth odor. Here’s why…. Bad mouth odor comes...

Get outta here you little buggers!

DioxiRinse™ alleviates sore throats and kicks the butt of bugs this flu season We’re still in the middle of the worst flu season on record, with no end in sight. ...

Take our Mouthwash on the Plane!

Great news!  We've changed bottle size from 4oz to 3oz. Now you can take your mouthwash with you in your carry on luggage and freshen up before you get off...